I've Been Tagged...

Friday, October 24, 2008

My lovely sister tagged me... so here are 7 little-known facts about me!

1. I am the best sleeper on the planet...period. I can literally fall asleep within 2 seconds of getting into bed, I do it on a nightly basis.
2. I love listening to Delilah on the radio at night. I especially like listening to her late at night if I'm driving in my car.
3. I REALLY wish that I had a nice camera and could take nice pictures, but I don't have the money for a nice camera, and that makes the taking really nice pictures part hard.
4. I hated football until I started dating Adam, and I really don't want to admit this, but today, I actually checked ESPN.com to see what the predictions were for this weekend's Penn State vs. Ohio State game. I still hate NFL football though.
5. I really can't stand beer. My favorite alcoholic beverages include Lambrusco (ultra cheap wine), Amaretto Sours (my signature drink), Mimosas, and Adam's Dad's margaritas.
6. I use the same mascara for more than 6 weeks! Oh the Horror! Now you know what to buy me for Christmas!
7. I am addicted to Chap Stick. Without fail, I have a tube of Chapstick in every purse, on my bedside table, on both my desk in my apartment and at work, in my car, and on the coffee table.

I Tag:
1. Toni
2. Nicole
3. Michele
4. Adam
5. My Mother
6. My Father (Although I doubt he'll ever do it)
7. Anyone else who reads my blog

*If you don't have a blog...leave a comment with your 7 things

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Drena said...

Should of been a DAWG and we could've taught you to like beer!! :) (I'm carrie's friend, Drena)

Drena said...

Maybe you shouldn't have been a DAWG as I just reread my comment and noticed my spelling error....I guess I had too much beer!

Carrie Davis said...

You're not supposed to use mascara for longer than 6 weeks?? uh oh. I hope my lashes don't rot off.

Sara said...

1. Love reading great children's literature to large groups of kids.
2. Feel like the biggest sloth in the world if I don't walk for 40 minutes a day.
3. Wish I had a shop where I sold primitives.
4. Like to go to various small towns, take walks and spy in backyards and windows,
as I walk by houses.
5. Really enjoy being a Stephen Minister.
6. Dislike shopping malls and clothes shopping for me-Yuck!
7. Claustrophobic.

Anonymous said...

1. I'm blind as a bat without prescription eyewear
2. I've never been beyond view of the US (I can't say I've never left the country b/c I've been to Canada across from Niagara, but that doesn't really count as much)
3. I can play piano, violin, guitar, bass, and drums
4. I wear a size 12.5 shoe and all I will buy for athletic shoes are New Balance (700+)
5. I'm severely allergic to bee/wasp stings and lima beans, but not to poison ivy
6. I believe in ghosts
7. My favorite candy is Hershey's Symphony bar w/ toffee & almonds (the blue one)