My Name is Rachel, and I'm a Tattletale

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Have you ever tattled on someone at work?

I did yesterday, for the first time.

Now, I'm a believer that "telling" on someone should be left to kindergartners and everything, but when my performance is on the chopping block, as it was yesterday, I feel like the higher power (aka, my boss) should know about it.

To make a long story short, one of my co-workers accused me of making a mistake that I knew was not a mistake, so instead of giving in and doing what my co-worker wanted at the cost of my work quality, I argued my side of the story to my boss, who proceeded to agree with me and take disciplinary action on the other employee.

I felt bad for a nano-second, until the above-mentioned co-worker threw a hissy-fit and didn't talk to me for the rest of the day (this is a 45-year-old man we're talking about here). Then, I heard him call me an explitive (it starts with a "b") to someone else.

Do you think I did the right thing? Have you ever been a tattletale?

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Carrie Davis said...

your co-worker sounds like a real winner. I think it's every man for himself - if he's brining you down, then you should probably say something about it. Sorry that you had to go through that :(

Drena said...

you have to listen to your gut and if your gut said to stick up for yourself then you did the right thing!

Btw, do you want ANTM (america's next top model)? there was a tattletale situation on there this season.

LauraAnn said...

If your job performance was on the line that yes, you definitely did the right thing!!! Your co-worker should have never put you in that position and then had the gall to complain about it. He did it to himself!

Don't dwell on it too much because you definitely did the right thing!

Cara said...

Sounds like you took the right approach here. I wouldn't recommend making "tattling" a habit, (already I've supervised quite a few people like that--annoying) but when someone else is causing an situation that compromises your credibility/work, definitely speak up. I like that you speak up and have a voice of your own.