Your Opinion

Monday, July 11, 2011

Next week, we are getting almost the entire downstairs of the house painted. The colors now include a grayish base coat that is a little bit too modern for my taste, dark red and sage green. Next week, the office and laundry room will remain green but everything else is getting painted a nice, fresh cream color. The only thing I can't decide on is the powder room.

I feel like I can do something a little bit different in there, but I don't want to go too over the top. After much consideration, we've narrowed it down to these two colors:

Revel Blue

Anjou Pear

I'm leaning toward the yellow because it's on the same color card as the cream color we're getting everywhere else, but I don't want it to be too loud in such a little room. I feel like the blue is more conservative.

So, what do you think? I only have until Thursday to decide!


Carrie Davis said...

I've been in a blue mood lately. Our laundry room was painted blue - I just bought blue curtains for our bedroom. I'm voting blue.

A.J. and Lauren said...

In our house in Va. Beach, the powder room was a very loud red and I loved it! It was the best powder room. So, I say, the louder the better!

Nicole said...

I like the yellow. :)

Toni said...

I vote for yellow :) (The blue is nice too but the yellow just looks so warm and friendly)

Unknown said...

I know I'm probably not making this any easier but I vote for the blue.

Drena said...

My guest bath is similar to the pear color. I've always loved it. I also like going with a warmer color on the same card. We did that for our master bedroom.