We had a great Thanksgiving weekend spent with family. We headed up to Boiling Springs on Wednesday night to spend and had a wonderful Thanksgiving on Thursday. My parents and grandmother were invited to Adam's parent's house for dinner and it was so nice to be able to spend time with everyone without having to eat two meals. The food was great and I must say that I did a pretty good job on the pies!

On Friday, I got to help watch my adorable nephew Jacob while my sister went to the spa. I made cookies and visited with everyone and of course we all admired the baby. We finished up that day with dinner at my parent's house.
Yesterday we woke up and headed back to Baltimore bright and early. We had planned on stopping at a tree farm on the way home to get our first live Christmas tree, but then we passed a little nursery with trees ready to go, so we purchased one there. Not only did they have really nice trees, they also had lights, wreaths and poinsettias so I got all of my decorations in one place. They tied our tree to the roof and we were ready to go.

We got home, unloaded the car, set up the tree and dug out all of our ornaments. The apartment looks so festive now and we really got in the Christmas mood. It's hard to believe that last year at this time, we were frantically doing last minute wedding things. It is so nice to have a live tree to admire while we're watching TV and hanging out in the living room!